Dr. Rajah (Nominate Principal Applicant) and Co-Principal Applicants Drs. Yaakov Stern, Roger Dixon, Gillian Einstein, and Howard Chertkow awarded CIHR BHCIA Knowledge Synthesis and Mobilization Grant – Nov 2023
The goal of this Knowledge Synthesis and Mobilization Grant proposal is to summarize current evidence of brain health inequities (i.e., increased prevalence of cognitive impairment and dementia, based on sex, gender, race, and ethnicity) and integrate that evidence within the above framework for understanding differential resilience. For example, two-thirds of older adults diagnosed with AD are females. Yet, we know little about why this sex difference in AD prevalence exists and whether it is due to female biological sex, the gendered life experiences of women, or differential exposures to enriching/detrimental life experiences, or an interaction between these variables. In addition, in North America disparities in some SSDH (e.g., education, poverty, poor diet) have been linked to worse aging trajectories and increased dementia risk in some racialized communities. However, due to the limited inclusion of these diverse communities in research there is limited knowledge on how SSDH may influence brain resilience, and how this may interact with sex and gender. As such, the specific aims of this proposal are to: i) Synthesize knowledge and identify knowledge gaps; ii) Create Knowledge Mobilization (KM) Products; and iii) Promotion Knowledge Dissemination and Research Uptake. To address these aims we will be hosting a Symposium to engage Researchers, Clinicians, Persons with Lived Experience (PWLE), and Knowledge Users and Partners in 2024. Click here to see the draft Symposium Participant List. Stay Tuned to Learn More!!
On August 1, 2023 Dr. Natasha Rajah started her Full Professor appointment at the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU; formerly Ryerson University). She still holds an Adjunct Professor position at the Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, McGill University. The Rajah Lab (now called the Brain Health Equity in Aging and Memory [BHEAM] Lab) currently has 2 locations (TMU, Toronto and Douglas Hospital Research Center, Montreal), but is only recruiting new trainees at TMU. We are so excited about this new adventure! We are grateful to the Douglas Research Center and McGill for their support over the past 18 years and to TMU for the opportunity and support their are provising to expand our research program on brain and cognitive aging in large, inclusive, adult lifespan samples to understand how biological sex, gender, and social determinants of health contribute to healthy and pathological aging trajectories.
If you are interested in joining the BHEAM Lab at Department of Psychology, TMU – please visit: https://www.torontomu.ca/psychology/ to learn more about our Clinical Psychology and Psychological Science Graduate Programs. Bonus: our lab has windows and an amazing view of downtown Toronto!!
Organization for Studying Sex Differences (OSSD) – May 2023
The whole Rajah Lab attended OSSD 2023 and were happy to meetup to former Ph.D. trainee Sivaniya Subramaniapillai! Congrats to Julia Kearley and Rikki Lissaman on excellent poster presentations!
Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS) – April 2023
This was the 30th Annual CNS Meeting! Congratulations to Gabriela Velez Largo on her great poster presentation of her M.Sc. Thesis results. Congratulations to Dr. Mark D’Esposito (Dr. Rajah’s Post-doc Mentor) on receiving the Fred Kavli Distinguished Career Contributions Award (DCC)!! Dr. D’Esposito celebrated by hosting a DespoLab reunion on a boat cruise in the SF Bay!
Dallas Aging and Cognition Conference (DACC) – February 2023
Congratulations to Julia Kearley & Rikki Lissaman on excellent poster presentations at DACC2023!
Dr. Rajah also gave an invited talk “The effect of biological sex and menopause on episodic memory-related brain function across the adult lifespan”!
December 2022
Congratulations Sophia LoParco on Graduating IPN with her M.Sc.!!
Society for Neuroscience 2022
This was Sophia, Gabriela & Rikki’s first SFN conference! They did an excellent job presenting their posters. Thank you to everyone who stopped by and chatted with us!
Summer 2022
Congratulations to Arielle Crestol on Graduating the IPN M.Sc. Program!! Good luck on your Ph.D. position in University of Oslo, Norway with Dr. Claudia Barth!!
We are so excited to announce that Dr. Rajah (Co-PI) was awarded a 2yr grant with Co-PI Dr. Louise Pilote, RI-MUHC, from the Heart & Stroke Foundation to study “Cognitive decline in females who had a history of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy”!
The Rajah Lab had a great time visiting OHBM 2022 in Glasgow Scotland June 2022!

The Rajah Lab is excited & proud to announce that Arielle Crestol received a FRQS Ph.D. scholarship, and Jamie Snytte received a FRQNT Ph.D. scholarship! Bravo!!
Congratulations to Houman Azizi, F/T RA, for being accepted into graduate school at IPN under the mentorship of Dr. A. Dagher! We are sad to see you leave the lab, but are so proud of your achievement!
Spring 2022
The Rajah Lab is so excited & proud to announce that Jamie Snytte was awarded a Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral (CGS-D) from NSERC for “The neurocognitive basis of emotional episodic memory retrieval” and incoming Ph.D. Candidate in Psychology, Julia Kearley was awarded a Post Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral (PGS-D) from NSERC for ““Interacting Effects of Estradiol and Inflammation on Neural and Cognitive Function”. Bravo!
The Rajah Lab had a great time presenting our recent paper accepted in Neuroimage, and meeting up with colleagues and mentors while at the 2022 Cognitive Neuroscience Society conference in San Francisco, California!
A big CONGRATULATIONS to Dr. Abdel Elshiekh on his successful Ph.D. Defense! Wishing you all the best in your future career as a Management Consultant at Oliver Wyman.

Congratulations to Dr. Natasha Rajah on her recent appointment as Assistant Dean, Career Development, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, McGill University! Dr. Rajah will contribute to the development of training/mentoring opportunities and EDI initiatives at FMHS.
Congratulations to former Ph.D. trainee Dr. S. Subramaniapillai on her publication with the Rajah Lab, accepted in the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience “Age- and episodic memory-related differences in task-based functional connectivity in women and men”!
Congratulations to Ph.D. Clinical Psychology trainee Jamie Snytte on his publication in Neuroimage “Volume of the posterior hippocampus mediates age-related differences in spatial context memory and is correlated with increased activity in lateral frontal, parietal and occipital regions in healthy aging”!
Winter 2022
The Rajah Lab has an exciting line up of Lab Presentations this term! Looking forward to great talks from our collaborators and lab members. Learn more about our upcoming talks: Winter2022Meetings
Welcome to our new lab members! Postdoctoral Researcher Dr. Rikki Lissaman, Part-time RA Alexandra Condenscu, and Undergraduate Research Volunteer Toscane Hamaide!
Also congratulations to Ph.D. Candidate Abdel Elshiekh on submitting his Ph.D. dissertation and starting his new position as a Consultant! Congratulations to M.Sc. Candidate Arielle Crestol for submitting her M.Sc. Thesis!
Fall 2021
Welcome to our new Full-time RA, Houman Azizi! Houman will be involved in subject recruitment, testing and analysis for the BHAMM Study in my lab, and also be working on a collaboration with Dr. Gillian Einstein’s lab from U. of Toronto.
Welcome to our new lab members!! Postdoctoral Researcher Dr. Annalise LaPlume; M.Sc. Candidate Gabriela Velez Largo; 4th Year Honours Students Meaghan Smith & Lucie Russell-Kearns; and 3rd Year Honours Students Bronwen Lathrope & Kathryn Luis!
Congratulations to Dr. Rajah for being nominated to the Institute of Aging Advisory Board for CIHR and becoming a Member of the Board of Directors for the Canadian Association of Neuroscience!
Summer 2021
Woohoo!! Congratulations to Dr.Sivaniya Subramanipillai on her successful Ph.D. Defense. Way to go Sivaniya!!

Spring 2021
Dr. Rajah presented at the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science: Annual Meeting 2021 Symposium “Behaviours and Cognitive Functions Associated with
Task-Based Brain Networks detectable by fMRI” with colleagues Dr. D. Addis and Dr. T. Woodward.
Congratulations to Jennifer Tremblay-Mecier and Cecile Madjar and the PREVENT-AD Research Group on the publication of “Open Science Datasets from PREVENT-AD, a Longitudinal Cohort of Pre-symptomatic Alzheimer’s Disease” in NIMG: Clinical! If you are interested in the Task fMRI study designed by Dr. Rajah, please contact us!
Congratulations to Dr. Sivaniya Subramaniapillai on receiving the “”Women in Cognitive Science – Canada Small Research Grant for Jr Scientists” to work with Dr. Ann-Marie de Lange at the University of Lausanne!
Dr. Rajah gave the Stony Brook University Provost’s Lecture “The effect of age, sex & gender on the neurobiology of episodic memory: midlife as a critical period in adulthood” on May 6, 2021 which can be viewed here.
Congratulations to Dr. Sivaniya Subramaniapillai who successfully defended her PhD Thesis “Sex differences in the aging brain: understanding the role of individual differences in preserving cognition throughout the adult lifespan” on May 13, 2021!! Sivaniya will be continuing her research career as a postdoctoral researcher under the mentorship of Dr. Danilo Bzdok.
Congratulations Jamie Snytte PhD Candidate (co-supervised with Dr. Signy Sheldon) for being awarded a highly competitive NSERC-Create Program in Complex Dynamics Fellowship for 2021-2022!! The lab is so proud of your achievement & looks forward to celebrating it once lockdown is over 🙂
Congratulations to Dr. Nick Corriveau-Lecavalier, Ph.D. and Dr. Sylvie Belleville (U. de Montreal) on their recently published paper in Neuroimage Clinical done in collaboration with our lab! Please check it out at:
Corriveau-Lecavalier, N., Rajah, M. N., Mellah, S., CIMA-Q Group & S. Belleville (in press). Latent patterns of task-related functional connectivity in relation to regions of hyperactivation in individuals at risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Neuroimage: Clinical. Accepted March 18, 2021.
Dr. Rajah will be giving an invited virtual talk at the upcoming 3rd annual Women’s Cardiovascular and Brain Health symposium at UNT Health Science Center on April 16th, 2021. Please register for the event to learn more about the sex and gender research being conducted in our lab!
Congratulations to Sivaniya Subramaniapillai PhD Candidate & Dr. Sheida Rabipour (former postdoc) on their papers being accepted for publication:
Rabipour, S., Rajagopal, S., Pasvanis, S., PREVENT-AD Group and M. N. Rajah (in press). Generalization of memory-related brain function as a potential early biomarker of Alzheimer’s disease in asymptomatic older women: Results from the PREVENT-AD Cohort. Neurobiology of Aging, Special Issue ” Montreal Aging & Dementia Congress 2019: Trajectories of Healthy and Pathological Aging ” (Editors: M. N. Rajah, S. Belleville & R.) Accepted March 19, 2021.
Subramaniapillai, S., Rajagopal, S., Snytte, J., Otto, A.R., the PREVENT-AD Research Group, Einstein, G., and Rajah, M.N. (in press) Sex differences in brain aging among adults with APOE4 genetic risk and family history of Alzheimer’s Disease. Neuroimage: Clinical. Accepted, February 24, 2021.
Winter 2021
January 26, 2021 the Rajah Lab hosted a farewell dinner for Dr. Shedia Rabipour who has finished her postdoctoral research fellowship at the lab and will start her new job with McKinsey & Company in February! Congratulations Sheida and best wishes for you future success!!!!!
Congratulations to Arielle Crestol, M.Sc. Candidate, who was selected as a recipient of a 2020 Trainee Professional Development Award by SFN!!
Fall 2020
Congratulations to Ph.D. Candidate Jamie Snytte for receiving a CRBLM Student Fellowship to continue his collaboration with Drs. Rajah and Sheldon on investigating medial temporal lobe contributions to autobiographical memory in middle-aged women!
Amazing work is being done by Ph.D. Candidate Sivaniya Subramaniapillai who is co-leading the Wisdom Exchange Project with graduate students at Ryerson and Universty of Waterloo to address lonliness in elders. Click here to learn more & volunteer!
Congratulations to Ph.D. Candidate Sivaniya Subramaniapillai and Dr. Anne Almey on publishing “Sex differences in cognitive reserve: implications for Alzheimer’s Disease in women“ in Special Issue of Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology Beyond Sex Differences: A Spotlight on Women’s Brain Health Co-edited by Drs. L. Galea, E. Jacobs and A. de Lange. This paper was a collaboration of the Rajah Lab with Einstein Lab, U. of Toronto.
Spring / Summer 2020
Congratulations to Ph.D. Candidate Sivaniya Subramaniapillai and M.Sc. Candidate Arielle Crestol for being awarded HBHL Graduate Student Fellowships! BRAVO!! Arielle’s project is entitled ““The impact of biological sex, menopausal status and +APOE4 risk for Alzheimer’s Disease on the neural correlates of episodic memory in healthy middle aged adults” and Sivaniya’s project is entitled “Sex differences in predicting age from cortical structure and its relation to memory and sociocultural factors: a multisite lifespan study”.
Congratulations to Post-doc Dr. Sheida Rabipour on her new first author publication done in collaboration with the PREVENT-AD Research Group ” APOE4 Status is Related to Differences in Memory-Related Brain Function in Asymptomatic Older Adults with Family History of Alzheimer’s Disease: Baseline Analysis of the PREVENT-AD Task Functional MRI Dataset, ” Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, vol. Pre-press, no. Pre-press, pp. 1-23, 2020.
Congratulations to Ph.D. Candidate Abdel Elshiekh on his new first author publication “The association between cognitive reserve and performance-related brain activity during episodic encoding and retrieval across the adult lifespan”, Cortex, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cortex.2020.05.003
Congratulations to M.Sc. Candidate Jamie Snytte on his new first author publication “The ratio of posterior-anterior medial temporal lobe volumes predicts source memory performance in healthy young adults.“ Hippocampus, Acceped May 11, 2020.
Congratulations to Dr. Natasha Rajah for being selected as the CIHR Sex and Gender Chair for the Institute of Neuroscience, Mental Health and Addiction! The Chair provides 4 yrs of funding for Dr. Rajah’s research on: “Sex Differences in the Effect of Age on Episodic Memory-Related Brain Function Across the Adult Lifespan”. Dr. Rajah will be recruiting graduate students interested in this project in Winter/Fall 2021.
Winter 2019/2020
Congratulations to Sivaniya on being awarded a prestigious Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement from NSERC to visit Dr. Chris Madan at U. Nottingham and learn new shape analysis of high-resolution MRIs. Should lead to some exciting collaborations!
Happy Holidays! Wishing everyone a happy and peaceful holiday season and all the best for 2020!
Fall 2019
Congratulations to Sivaniya for publishing her paper “Sex Differences in the Neural Correlates of Spatial Context Memory Decline in Healthy Aging” in the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience! The clinical significance of these findings were discussed in an interview with Med-E News.
Congratulations to Dr. Natasha Rajah on being the recipient of the 2019 Haile T. Debas Prize for promoting equity, diversity and inclusiveness at the Faculty of Medicine, McGill University!
The Rajah Lab welcomes it’s new trainees: Arielle Crestol (M.Sc., Neuroscience Candidate), Alicia Duval (Ph.D., Clinical Psychology Candidate), Myles LoParco (P/T RA and soon to be M.Sc., Neuroscience Candidate), Isabelle Catalano (Neuroscience, Ph.D. Candidate – Rotation Student), Rosalie Young (Undergraduate Volunteer), Adelaide Jensen (Undergraduate Honours Trainee), Emre Bolcakan (Undergraduate Volunteer)!
Looking forward to fun year ahead!!
Spring/Summer 2019
Postdoc, Dr. Sheida Rabipour, and Ph.D. Candidate, Sivaniya Subramaniapillai, present their work at OHBM Meeting in Rome, Italy!
Congratulations to Drs. S. Rabipour, Rajah, Misic & Villeneuve for receiving a CRBLM Research Incubator award for the project ““Neuroplastic Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Expectations in Aging” to be lead by Dr. Rabipour!
The lab goes to their first Canadian Association for Neuroscience (CAN) conference in Toronto, Canada. Thank you to everyone who visited our posters and provided us with excellent feedback!

Congratulations to Dr. Rajah for being the 2019 Recipient of the Women in Cognitive Science Canada Mentorship Award!
Congratulations to Post-doctoral Researcher Dr. Sheida Rabipour on receiving RBIQ and CAN Travel Award to attend the Canadian Association of Neuroscience conference in Toronto, Canada!
Congratulations to Ph.D. Student Sivaniya Subramaniapillai on receiving 3 travel awards this month: RBIQ Award & IBRO Award to attend the Canadian Association of Neuroscience conference in Toronto, Canada; and a Travel Award to attend the 25th annual Wisconsin Symposium on Emotion!
Winter 2018/2019
HAPPY HOLIDAYS! from the Rajah Lab
Fall 2018
We welcome our new M.Sc. Student Jamie Snytte (who was a former Undergrad Honours Thesis Student with us!) and new Undergraduate Honours Student Kiera Hooper to our lab!
The lab is excited to have Dr. Sheida Rabipour join us as a postdoctoral researcher in October 1, 2018. Dr. Rabipour was awarded a prestigious FRQS Postdoctoral Fellowship to conduct research on the effects of tDCS and expectations on cognitive training outcomes. Welcome Sheida!
The lab attended Dr. Brenda Milner’s Centennial Symposium at the Montreal Neurological Institute Sept. 6-7, 2018. We had a great time hearing from all the amazing speakers (inc. Nobel Laureate Dr. Eric Kandel) and students Jamie Snytte & Sivaniya Subramaniapillai presented posters. Happy 100th Birthday Dr. Milner!!

The lab had a great time at the Society for Neuroscience (#SFN2018) conference in sunny San Diego, CA, USA. Thank you to all those who visited our posters and gave us invaluable feedback!

Spring/Summer 2018
Congratulations Dr. Elizabeth Ankudowich on your successful Ph.D. Defense! It was a great pleasure having you in the lab & the rest of the Rajah Lab wishes you all the best in your future adventures!

This was a busy day for our lab. A. Elshiekh presented his PhD Study 1 “Brain mechanisms of successful memory aging: Maintenance, or compensation?” at the Douglas BIC Lecture series, and E. Ankudowich and S. Rajagopal presented their poster “Age-related differences in whole-brain functional connectivity associated” at the Healthy Brain Healthy Lives inaugural Research Day. Congratulations to everyone on your presentations!
Prof. Natasha Rajah receives NSERC Discovery Grant to continue the lab’s research on “Neural correlates of item and spatial context memory in high vs. lower-performance groups” (2018-2023). If you are interested in a graduate position in the lab to collaborate on this project please visit the Training section of our website!
Winter 2017/2018
Rajah Lab Social at Casa Rajah-Moir to celebrate grants, papers and trainee’s other end of semester successes! Good food + good wine + good company = a fun night!
The Rajah Lab launches recruitment for research project “The impact of biological sex, menopausal status and +APOE4 risk for Alzheimer’s Disease on the neural correlates of episodic memory in healthy middle aged adults.”
If you are between the ages of 18-75 and wish to participate in our research, please contact us at: [email protected]
Fall 2017
Congratulations to Sivaniya Subramaniapillai and Abdel Elshiekh for your well received poster presentations at Psychonomics 2017, in Vancouver B. C.; and to Elizabeth Ankudowich on her poster presentation at SFN 2017, in Washington D.C.!
Congratulations to Elsa Yu and Lyssa Manning for completing their Master’s degrees! We wish you both good luck in the next career stages.
Spring/Summer 2017
Congratulations to Ph.D. student Elizabeth Ankudowich on receiving a McGill Healthy Brains for Healthy Lives (HBHL) Doctoral Fellowship to conduct collaborative connectivity analyses of her Ph.D. data with Dr. Bratislav Misic at the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI).
Our Lab is seeking motivated and talented graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Please visit our Training Page to find out more.
Ph.D. Student Abdel Elshiekh wins 1st prize in the Douglas Research Day Poster Sessions. Congratulations!
M.Sc. Student Elsa Yu successfully completed her IPN M.Sc. Thesis Seminar! Congratulations!
M.Sc. Student Lyssa Manning successfully completed her IPN M.Sc. Thesis Seminar! Congratulations!
Rajah Lab award CIHR Project Grant (2017-2022) “The impact of sex, menopausal status and +APOE4 risk for Alzheimer’s Disease on the neural correlates of episodic memory in healthy middle aged adults.” Please keep posted for Graduate & Post-doctoral fellowship opportunities.
Past Rajah Lab Events

(From left to right: A. Swierkot, E. Ankudowich, D. Kwon, L. Wallace, N. Rajah