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Did you know that two thirds of patients diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease are women?
Dr. Natasha Rajah, Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Sex, Gender, and Diversity in Brain Health, Memory and Aging, and Professor at Toronto Metropolitan University, is conducting a brain imaging study to understand: why women are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease, than men? This project focuses on young, 18-39 yrs, and middle-aged adults, 40 – 65yrs, and investigates how biological sex, menopausal status, and genetic risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease influence brain activity, brain structure and memory. If you are a young or middle-aged woman or man and in general good health – we need your help! PARTICIPATION IN THIS RESEARCH PROJECT INVOLVES: • Filling out an online questionnaire: • A 3 hour visit for behavioural testing and to give a blood sample to study how certain genes and hormone levels affect memory and brain function. • A 3 hour visit for a 2-hour MRI scan and a blood draw for hormone testing. Financial compensation is offered + you get a high-quality picture of your brain to frame and display! ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible to participate in our studies, you must: Be 18 to 65 years of age Be in good physical and mental health Not have have a history of neurological or psychiatric diseases |